Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Tips: 5 ways to stay active with children and families

If you have children, of course, want to make sure that they grow up fit and healthy. But I also know that it is difficult to juggle work, family, and physical activity. Since this is a healthy example is a good start. So if you are looking for ways to get your kids involved, check out these tips.

1. Help your family to be active

When it comes to heart health, it is important not only for our own cardiovascular health, but also those of future generations. A study last year showed that obese children and adolescents as well as the plaque in the arteries as a man of 45 years for heart disease and other serious health problems much earlier than their parents.

If you have children naturally want to make sure they grow up healthy. But we also know that it is difficult to balance work, family, and physical activity. However, setting an example of healthy living is a good start, research shows that parents who are physically active are the chances that their children are active and growing. So if you are looking for ways to get your children involved, check out these tips.

2. Plan outdoor activities

Set aside one day a week to do something active, like a family swimming pool in summer, tobogganing, winter hiking, or biking in the spring and autumn. Bring a picnic lunch and splurge on snacks after a good workout will help the day without complaint.

3. Redo your living room

Too often, the family room is the center of laziness in a house: a comfortable sofa, game consoles, shelves full of DVDs, and nothing to encourage fitness or physical activity. There is a subtle reminder Airways added, however, without having to redesign the whole room or throw a giant piece of training equipment. Set a time limit on the weekly television program and incorporates the essential elements of building lean to support his family on the way.

4. Have fun tasks

Instead of relegating each family member to have a separate task, it became a game that tasks you can do together. Race to see how fast you can get the house clean, and then try to beat your old time next week. Listening to music while doing the laundry, and participation of children to sing and dance while helping to fold and put clothes. Take the dog for a walk together, and squeeze in some walking, rollerblading, or jump rope while you're there.

5. Make more than your meal plan
This is not always a better form, but also important: families tend to eat more healthy to have other healthy habits such as regular physical activity. If you want to lose weight after giving birth or just want to eat better, in general, get all your family and you are more likely to succeed in question. Bringing the kids at the farmers market, let them choose vegetables and fruits from their own, and get them involved in food preparation. They are much more likely to enjoy their meals and clean their plates.

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